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High-Durability PDC Bit Designed For Demanding Applications

20 August 2018

XP™ Line of Extreme-Performance PDC Bits

August 2018, Fort Worth, Texas — Ulterra Drilling Technologies ( recently introduced its XP line of extreme-performance PDC bits. These bits are designed to provide improved results in the toughest drilling applications, including hard rock, transition zones and highly interbedded lithologies.

The XP Bit Series is based on a bit body that is engineered to ensure structural integrity under extreme drilling conditions. This level of design allows the bit to withstand more demanding drilling parameters, including greater weight-on-bit (WOB), without sacrificing ROP. Along with high structural integrity, the bits’ cutter positioning and force balancing are both optimized for reduced tangential overload, to deliver maximum stability under the load of high energy inputs. This allows the best performance in the most challenging of drilling environments.

XP bits are optimized for each application and paired with the latest application-specific premium PDC cutters. As a result of Ulterra’s rapid design and prototyping process, each design is optimized quickly, allowing operators to improve drilling performance from well to well.

“Modern drilling practices are requiring operators to achieve increasingly challenging drilling targets, even in the most difficult applications, which in turn requires the PDC drill bit to withstand much higher drilling forces,” according to Chris Gooch of Ulterra. “With the high structural integrity and force-balanced design of XP, operators can drill with maximum durability, without sacrificing ROP.”

About Ulterra

Ulterra Drilling Technologies is one of the fastest growing drill bit companies in the world, and the leader in the North America PDC bit market. As a leader in innovation, Ulterra is driven by the application and advancement of technology — yielding continuous process, product and performance improvements — to create better solutions to meet the evolving needs of the drilling market.

For more information and additional XP images, call 1-844-ULTERRA


Chris Gooch
Ulterra Drilling Technologies, L.P.

Also seen in Innovating While Drilling in Drilling Contractor Magazine.