On January 15, 2016, Ulterra successfully completed the annual surveillance audit for maintaining the API Spec Q1 registration, ISO 9001, and API 7-1 Monogram license. The audit was a success and resulted in Ulterra being able to retain existing quality certifications. The API Spec Q1 and ISO 9001 registrations apply to the design, manufacture, and servicing of PDC matrix and steel body drill bits. Ulterra maintains these certifications to let our customers know that we are serious about the quality of our design, manufacture, and repair process of PDC drill bits.
- The API Spec Q1 9th Edition registration means that Ulterra’s facilities conform to the quality system requirements of API Spec Q1, as confirmed by API.
- The ISO 9001:2008 registration means that Ulterra’s facilities conform to the quality system requirements of ISO 9001, as confirmed by the APIQR (American Petroleum Institute Quality Registrar).
- The API Spec 7-1 Monogram License means that Ulterra’s quality management system (QMS) is in compliance with API Spec Q1 and that Ulterra meets the technical product requirements of API Spec 7-1. The API 7-1 Monogram mark on products is a warranty by Ulterra to API and its purchasers that the marked products comply in every aspect with API 7-1 at the time of manufacture.
The API 7-1 Monogram is somewhat standard among major players in the industry, but Ulterra is very unique in that we include service (repair) in our API Q1 and ISO 9001 scope of registration. That means that we are the only major bit company to hold our repaired bits to the same high standards of new bits.
Ulterra API Spec Q1 Registration No. Q1-1858
Ulterra ISO 9001-2008 Registration No. 1989